A Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Rosario Tourism Agency (ETUR) and CIAPSA, the Medical Tourism Chamber

On Monday, March 2, a cooperation agreement was signed in Rosario between the Rosario Tourism Agency (ETUR), represented by its President, Héctor Leonardo De Benedictis, and the Chamber of Argentine Institutions for the Promotion of Health (CIAPSA), represented by its Vice President, Alejandro Javier Muñiz.

CIAPSA conducts several activities focused on the development of Medical Tourism; that is, the attraction of patients from abroad.

The Medical Tourism phenomenon is expanding in the region and in the world, driven by the high costs of medicine, prolonged waiting lists and the globalization of medical services, as well as wellness trends, among other factors.

Argentina offers significant competitive advantages to successfully position itself in this market, given the proven quality of its medical services, its state-of-the-art health care and technological infrastructure, an excellent price-quality ratio, the beauty and diversity of its touristic destinations, and the volume and range of flights connecting it to the rest of the world.

CIAPSA works within a strategic framework together with the National Tourism Promotion Institute (INPROTUR) and the Argentine Tourism Chamber (CAT).

The cooperation agreement between ETUR and CIAPSA seeks to incorporate medical and tourism institutions from Rosario, with the aim of fostering the development of Medical Tourism in Argentina.


Argentine Chamber for the Promotion of Health  (CIAPSA)  www.argentinahealthcare.org.ar


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