Hospital Universitario Austral (HUA) is an organization dedicated to biomedical assistance, teaching and research. Its commitment in search for truth and promotion of life culture emphasizes quality of work, service and development of human and Christian values.
Hospital Universitario Austral and the Biomedical Science School are the Academic Health Center of the Austral University (Centro Académico de Salud de la Universidad Austral.) This is the most outstanding feature of the Hospital.
Austral University, and therefore, the Austral University Hospital is an Opus Dei corporation (a Catholic Church institution organized by San Josemaría Escrivá.) The mission of Opus Dei is to inform that work and everyday events are an occasion to meet God, to serve fellow human beings and to improve society in general.
Hospital Universitario Austral (HUA) is a highly integrated and specialized healthcare center.
As a “General Hospital”, it offers high complexity medical services, and also research and training programs, and organ transplants, particularly liver and bone marrow.
As a University Hospital, it combines human resources and post graduate training and research facilities. All therapeutic decisions and specialized medical care are backed by ongoing training and academic work.
The HUA works with patients, specialized physicians and insurance companies through HUA Internacional, a department devoted to the particular needs of international patients. We are committed to a fast response, professional healthcare and exceptional service to patients.