The CAT received Latin American journalists specialized in the Medical Tourism sector

This was done within the framework of the Press Trip organized by the National Tourism Promotion Institute and CIAPSA, the Medical Tourism Chamber.

Buenos Aires, February 25, 2015 – Last Wednesday, the Argentine Medical Tourism Chamber welcomed a press delegation at its office, including journalists from Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, which was part of the Press Trip organized by the INPROTUR, with the support of CIAPSA, with the purpose of increasing information and knowledge on the potential advantages Argentina has to offer as a medical tourism destination.

The event, led by CAT Vice President Fernando Gorbarán, was attended by  Miguel Cané, President of CIAPSA – member entity of the CAT Board of Directors– and Emiliano Parrilli, Promotion Director of INPROTUR, who, accompanied by authorities from several medical institutions of the country, presented all the possibilities available to those who choose Argentina as their destination to undergo medical interventions.

In addition, the meeting served as framework for the official announcement of the First Argentine International Medical Tourism Congress, to be held on August 20 and 21, which shall gather over 500 participants from different regions around the world, featuring training opportunities and the possibility of discovering the opportunities for the Medical Tourism industry in Argentina and in the rest of the world.

The event, hosted by the National Ministry of Tourism through the National Tourism Promotion Institute (INPROTUR), CIAPSA and sponsored by the Argentine Chamber of Tourism (CAT), will focus on the superior quality of the medical service available through Medical Tourism in the country, and will be attended by over 20 exhibitors, both national and international, featuring a wide range of appealing proposals, trends and opportunities for each participant.

Based on the information provided by CIAPSA, “due to the  prohibitive cost of medical treatments in certain countries, the lack of complexity or clinical expertise, and a search for wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle, Medical Tourism is arising as one of the fastest growing industries in the world, particularly in Latin America.”

“Key players in the health care market:  Renowned national and international lecturers, the significant added value of Argentina as compared to other countries, having had three Nobel laureates in Medicine and important discoveries which have helped improve the health of people all over the world, a first class health care infrastructure, as well as the diversity and beauty of its touristic destinations and landscapes, and the presence of leading international medical tourism operators, will be some of the most important issues discussed in said Congress, thus creating networking opportunities, synergies with several players engaged in patient care, advice and international representation.”

An opportunity to learn about different international proposals, while also fostering Argentine medicine and attracting patients who decide to seek better medical care outside their country of origin.



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